Thursday, April 1, 2010

Total Fail......

So today i was all amped up to do my Lady GaGa make up. I wont tell you the inspiration, youll just have to see. HINT: Its very classic. Anyway, as you know i have a 2 week old baby girl...... shes a great baby! JUST NOT TODAY!! Fussy Mc Fuss Fuss!!! I also have a 1 year old boy so my husband was hanging out with him and he offered to take her but by the time he did i was soooo over it!! i had half lid primed and the other just creasing like crazy! I guess it was the April Fools juju going on. I was going to do a slide show tutorial and noticed my camera isnt focusing very well anymore. does anyone know if that happens with old cameras? i got it back in 2007 i think, so its not very old. its a sony cyber shot so it should be good quality...... right? Tomorrow im just going to do a live tutorial. SO be ready ladies Rachel is BACK! lol i wasnt even gone very long. Just thought i would share my ordeal of the day. Now that im caught up on my blog im liking being able to vent about my make up stuff! OH i did get my hair finished and i didnt fall off! i didnt take any pictures seeing that i looked like a horrid half done Edward Scissor Hands. I really want to go out and get new make up. That happens when im feeling down...... i get a boost with a new blush, lipgloss or eyeshadow! alright well thats enough for tonight, im going to go play with my make up. Good night ladies.

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