This isnt a tutorial and to be honest im not sure i remember what i used! I know it was all pigments. Im also positive that my lid color is "Deep Blue Green" Pigment from MAC. I know this because i was very disappointed in the color payoff. All the MAC pigments i have are samples, did i get jipped on this one?? It just looks green.... not deep or blue! The pigment looks crazy awesome on the jar but when applied.... eeeehhhh i dont know

Check out that Blue-ish, Purple-ish color on my waterline!! isnt it awesome!! i used Sallys Girl Gel Adhesive as a mixing medium. The eyeshadow i used is actually from a stacker i bought a LLLOOOOONNG time ago when i was going to beauty school. A company called Q-Voe Cosmetics would come every once in awhile and sell us the stackers, and then they would leave some at the school shop and we could buy them there. i bought mine for about $25. i have a glitter stacker "Starlight" and another one with bright colors "Duet". Ill take pics and post them later. The weird thing is i go to their website and you cant order online, they have a number which i called because of course i want more stackers! and theres no answer. They have a stacker called "Hollywood" OMG i HAVE to have it!! Maybe they are out of business but maybe not. Check out the site and youll see its very plain and low budget i hope that doesnt mean its abandoned and theres no way to get the stackers either way ill let you know.

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